Things That Matter

Faded Wedding Rings – II

On that sunny winter morning, you lay sprawled on the grass, gazing up at the drifting clouds, your eyelids heavy with drowsiness. I watched as you surrendered to sleep, lulled by the cheerful chirping of birds.

I remember the laughter that bubbled from you like a child’s when a little boy gifted you colorful balloons. I watched you dance by the riverbank, your silver anklets tinkling to the rhythm of the rustling leaves. Your eyes sparkled with excitement whenever you spoke of the distant lands you longed to explore.

But today, as I look at you, I see a stark difference. Your eyes, still moist from last night’s tears, reflect a weariness that wasn’t there before. Your once radiant complexion now pales with each passing day. Your heart no longer sings, and your dreams lack the buoyancy they once possessed.

I sit here, helpless, trying to comprehend the chaos that has engulfed us. Though I may not be an expert on matters of love, it’s evident that this constant turmoil, marked by morning shrieks and nightly tears, is wreaking havoc on your soul.

This tumultuous love affair, this train wreck of emotions, is slowly chipping away at you, stealing fragments of your essence with each passing day. It’s a cycle of destruction, leaving you wounded and depleted.

At times, when our eyes meet, I sense a plea for salvation, a desire to break free from this torment. Yet, you inevitably retreat, allowing the darkness to consume you once more.

Darling, I wish I could save you from this anguish. But until you find the strength to break free from the chains of this toxic love, I can only watch, helpless, as it continues to erode your spirit.

Also Read – Faded Wedding Rings

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