Things That Matter

The woman in my living room…!

The painting, a cherished creation by my mother, has adorned our living room in Nainital for as long as I can recall.

There’s a certain allure to this artwork that captivates everyone who gazes upon it. For me, it was the penetrating gaze of the lady depicted in the painting.

I was startled to realize that her eyes seemed to follow me no matter where I positioned myself in the room. I tried every corner, every piece of furniture, but her gaze persisted, unwavering.

In my desperation, I confided in my younger sister, who surprisingly confessed that she, too, felt the lady’s stare upon her.

One evening, we attempted to unravel the mystery by positioning ourselves at opposite ends of the room. Yet, even as we debated whose direction the lady’s eyes were fixed upon, I couldn’t shake the feeling that she was watching me.

Frustrated and feeling misunderstood, I poured my heart out in my journal, detailing my disdain for the woman in the painting and my disbelief that no one believed me. I felt alone in my conviction that the lady was indeed casting her judgmental gaze upon me, witnessing every spill and misstep.

When I finally mustered the courage to confide in my mother, expecting validation, she simply laughed. Feeling dismissed and unacknowledged, I questioned my place in the family, wondering if I truly belonged.

It wasn’t until my mother tenderly explained the optical illusion behind the phenomenon that I found solace. Armed with this newfound understanding, I eagerly shared the revelation with my sister, weaving a fantastical tale to ease her fears and garner attention from the neighborhood children.

As time passed, the painting lost its ability to unsettle us, becoming a familiar fixture in our home. Now, when I return and gaze upon the serene scene depicted in the painting, I’m struck by the tranquility it exudes. The lady and the boy seem to lead a peaceful existence, unaffected by the passing of time or the whims of observers like myself.

Over the years, I’ve crafted countless stories in my mind about the lady and the boy, their narratives evolving with my shifting emotions and perspectives. Yet, amidst the changing tales, the painting remains a steadfast reminder of the power of perception and the stories we create to make sense of the world around us.


10 thoughts on “The woman in my living room…!

    1. Thank you 😊

      This was actually a picture my mom came across in a photo studio. She was immediately attracted to it and wanted to put it on canvas.

      The woman and the child in the painting are actually real people!!

      Liked by 1 person

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